Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tales of a First Year Teacher

Hello world! 

My name is Cera and I'm a first year teacher in Texas. I've started my teaching career at a great school teaching 4th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies. I'm from Dallas Texas and I attended THE University of Texas (Hook 'em). I did not graduate with a degree in teaching, though in hindsight it would have made things a lot easier ;). I went the alternative certification route and, although this year has been packed with things to do on top of my normal job, I'm thankful that the classroom was not my first stop after college. As I have learned and continue to learn something new about my job every day, I feel very thankful for my opportunity to teach America's youth. I believe that the things I experienced during my short stint in corporate America has made me that much more appreciative of what I get to do every day. I'm glad that I get to make a difference and am proud to serve my community bearing God's grace. I absolutely love my job and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I'm so excited to share my experiences with you and hope to spread a little joy with some fourth grade funnies along the way! 

Here we go!

This is a TED talks video I saw that was a game changer for me. Take a minute and enjoy!

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